Iambic Ixplosion

“Blind Date Venus”

by Eric Howard

“Why send me a lesbian, Cupid?”

I asked when I saw her. “To please her father, stupid.”

“Blind Date Venus” is a landay, a poetic form that literally means “a short, poisonous snake.” It is a primarily oral poetic tradition of the Pashtun provinces of Afghanistan and Pakistan, and is composed of couplets of 22 syllables (9 in the first line, 13 in the second). Tranditionally, they rhyme or slant rhyme. 

“church ladies”                                                                         

by rose betit                            

tears filled in the wrinkles in ms. mable’s face
like little rivers and tributaries of rivers.
she proclaimed how it was the lord had seen fit to save her
wretched soul,
and I could be saved too.

ms. gunnels and ms. wilson

agreed, with vigorous nods

over fruit punch at fellowship time.

in the church basement

where the flock was easily lured

with the promise of donuts after the sermon

they formed a circle
and descended upon me
this trifecta of godly ladies of the church,
an avalanche of polyester and powder
come to set me free.

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