Iambic Ixplosion

“Best Seller”

by Jeff Santosuosso

“This’ll make me famous!” he bellows

eyes like Saturn with its rings

gaseous golden enormous

as he revolves around his poetry

in the slow arc of joy

He’s made his best-seller list


Buys another round

Insists on slapping his cash on the bar

Insists on winking at the bartender

Wiping the mug frost off the bar

“Keep it friend.  There’s more where that came from.”


“This’ll make you famous!”  I hoist my mug,

our suds flying ’round

gaseous golden enormous

as I revolve around his joy

in the slow arc of brotherhood

He’s made my best-seller list


I buy another round

Insist on slapping him on the back

Insist on winking at him as he imbibes

Wiping his chin on his plaid sleeve

“Keep it friend.  There’s more where that came from.”



“That Moment”

by Mike Berger


A Moment In Time .

She had a nasty cold. Both her

eyes and nose were red.

She fixed her eyes with eye drops

and took a decongestant.


The dinner was just an hour away.

She wanted to look her best.

She had an elegant blue gown

with blue topaz and accessories

to match.


She waited impatiently for the limo.

The floor bore tracks where she paced.

Anticipation oozed from every pore.

She stuffed two hankies in her cleavage

as she left.


The roast pheasant was a delight.

The wine was from a vintage year.

The ambience was soft and romantic

and the chocolate moose was superb.


It was then that her nose started to drip.

She fumbled franticly for a hanky, then flushed

everyone’s eyes were on her: she chocked out,

“I know I had two when I left home.”



“The New”

by John McFarland


50 cents is the new penny.

In the Red is the new In the Black.

Looking is the new job.

Bored Silly is the new Too Busy.

The Rapture is the new Dream Vacation.

Jockey is the new Givenchy.

Blistex is the new L’Oreal.

Valid Bus Transfer is the new Jeep Cherokee.

Nothing, but nothing, is the new payday.

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